Lesson 1: Getting Started

Conquering Fear is a course designed to guide you through understanding and overcoming your fears. Here, we’ll explore the nature of fear, learn to recognize its presence in our lives and develop strategies to conquer it, allowing you to reach your goals and unleash your full potential.

In This Lesson, We Cover

  1. Fear is Persistent: Fear is a constant companion in our lives, whether in personal or professional contexts. It doesn’t vanish but can be managed. Understanding that fear is a natural response, not an anomaly, is crucial in learning to cope with it​​​​.
  2. Fear as an Indicator of Growth: Fear often surfaces when we’re at the cusp of growth, challenging our comfort zones. It’s not inherently negative but a sign that we’re pushing our boundaries, which is essential for personal and creative growth​​​​.
  3. Thoughts on Managing Fear: We will establish an overview for the lessons to come which focus on practical steps to manage and overcome fear.

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