Author Platform 101 2.0
Learn how to build an author platform that reliably and predictably sells your books.
I want to tell you something about author platforms and marketing. Check out this video.
You’ve done it.
That thing that everyone else says they want to do and that someday they’re going to do…
You actually pulled it off.
You have written a book!
First of all, kudos. It’s an amazing feat to take something from your head and get it out on paper.
It’s even a more amazing feat to get enough out to turn it into a full book.
But of course, you now have a new problem.
How are you going to get people to buy this book?
You may realize… you have two choices.
Put the book — this thing you’ve worked on for years — on Amazon with a million other books, sell a few copies to your friends and family, and then watch it languish.
You have to learn a whole new set of skills called MARKETING! (queue scary, horror movie music)
Or maybe you’ve already put the book out on Amazon and watched your ranking drop and drop and drop and feel completely helpless with what to do.

Maybe you’ve seen the industry stats.
Things like:
- Most books sell just 250 copies in their first year, and
- The vast majority of books sell less than 1000 copies in the entire life of the book.
(These numbers are from both self-publishing and traditional publishing)
And you start thinking, “do I even know 1000 people that would buy my book?”
Here’s the truth…
You’ve dreamed of being a writer.
When you got up at 5am before everyone else was up or skipped lunch or stayed up late hunched over your laptop pecking away at the keyboard… you were dreaming of what it would be like to put your book out in the world and have people read and experience it.
You absolutely WERE NOT dreaming of being an amazing book marketer.
And I get it.
The whole marketing thing is this giant job you have to do but don’t really want to do.
Sure, you love the idea of having fans and getting emails from them. You dream of showing up at a writers conference and having a line of people who want you to sign their books. You want to come out with books that immediately find an audience and sell.
But the idea of marketing suuuuuucks.
And even though I, personally, love book marketing… I get it.
It feels like this chore you have to do on top of writing your next book and working your day job and taking care of your family and, and, and…
And even when you set out to do it, it is completely overwhelming!
Quick, go Google “book marketing” and you’ll find these as the top two non-ad listings:

119 things to market my book? Even 50 things is outrageous.
Because you know the truth…
Most of those are a complete waste of time.
But you don’t know which ones.
You start running into so many questions about websites and blogs and podcasts and Twitter and Facebook (Facebook Pages, Facebook Groups, Facebook Advertising) and Amazon Ads and guest posts, and, and, and.
So here you are…
- Book marketing is the part of being an author that you have to do but don’t want to do.
- You already have too little time to devote to your writing
- Even if you did try book marketing, there’s just too much to do and it’s too confusing and you have no idea where to put your time and effort.
This is exactly how Mike felt.

He had been working for years on his middle grade series called The Secret of the Hidden Scrolls.
After finally getting them ready, he went on the hunt for an agent and was able to sign one. Then, about a year later, he finally got signed on with a publisher.
This was amazing! He’d done both the things he didn’t think were possible!
But now he had a new problem.
You see, the publisher had only agreed to publish the first two books in the series. Mike had nine books in the series though.
Before the publisher would agree to publish more than the first two, they wanted to see how the sales would go.
And Mike didn’t have much of a platform.
He had put together a website and setup an email list, but barely any people knew either of them existed.
Plus, this wasn’t Mike’s main gig. His book advance was no where near enough to live on, so he still had to work his fulltime job and be a husband and dad to his two kids.
Mike had to figure out how he was going to take his first two books and get them out into the world. He need them to sell really good so the publisher would be willing to publish the other books in the series. Plus, he had to do all of this while maintaining his other responsibilities. Plus his books were coming out in four short months so there wasn’t a lot of time.
This is when Mike reached out to me.
We got together and I walked him through the basics of book marketing. I talked to him about outreach, content, and permission. I taught him how an author platform works and how to connect with influencers.
Then Mike got started.
His books came out a few months later, and there wasn’t some huge launch. He didn’t hit any of the major bestseller lists.
But the books started selling.
He kept working my author platform system and putting the marketing ideas I gave him into practice.
A couple months after his books came out, I reached out to Mike to ask him how his sales were.
“I don’t know,” he said.
“You don’t know?” I replied. “Why don’t you ask the publisher?”
“I’m scared to ask,” he said. “But the Amazon ranking is doing ok so I guess people are buying them.”
“Ok,” I laughed, “keep going!”
A few months later I saw Mike again.
“How are sales?” I asked.
“I don’t know,” he replied.
“You still haven’t asked your publisher?” I asked.
“No, but they must be doing ok because they want me to start working on the third book in the series.”
“That’s great!” I said. “Keep going!”
A few more months go by. By this point the first two books have been out about eight months.
I reached out to Mike again. Surely, I thought, by this point Mike has asked about his sales.
“I still don’t know,” he said. “But they must have sold pretty well because they’re having to do a second printing of ten thousand copies.”
“That’s great,” I said. “Congratulations!”
“Plus, they’ve decided to go ahead and just move forward with the plan of publishing all nine of the books!”
You just need to do a handful of things well over a long period of time
Through all of this, I’ve learned what it really takes to build a successful author platform.
And here’s what I’ve seen over and over…
The authors that are winning ARE NOT doing a dozen different things and hoping it works.
They, instead, focus on doing just a handful of things well over a long period of time.
It’s not about doing a frenzy of things when your book is about to come out. What works is focusing on the long game of connecting with your audience and doing a little bit of marketing every week.
As I have worked with authors, they’ve been surprised at how little they have to do in order to be successful with marketing.
As people work through my system, they are surprised at how easy it becomes and how it fits into their lives.
I believe that true marketing is simply connecting with other people — authors, influencers, and readers — that love the same things you love. And once you have a simple, step-by-step way to do this, everything starts working.
The goal I have with every author is to give them a simple way to connect with their audience and sell books without it being another huge job.
Get your marketing done so you can get back to your writing.
Author Platform 101 is action-focused. Its instantly applicable homework assignments and worksheets will help you ensure that every minute you spend learning is a minute you put toward growing your book business. Plus:
- You can go through the entire program on a desktop computer, tablet or smartphone
- You can download every PDF, spreadsheet and worksheet
- You’ll get unlimited access to the program – plus updates, upgrades and new content as I add it
Building an Author Platform can be tough. But it’s simple if you have a roadmap.
It’s time to make a decision — are you prepared to do what it takes, and launch a bestseller that will establish your reputation as an author while providing income and stability for you and your family for years to come?
If you’re ready to invest in yourself, and believe in your work, don’t wait for that magical day in the future. Don’t wait for some day when you’ve gotten your book “just right” — that day will never come.
You have the proof that Author Platform 101 works. You’ve seen results from newly bestselling authors in every genre: novelists, business writers, marketers, technical writers, and people just like you.
If you’re not ready now, when will you be? As they say: They best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.
The decision is yours to make.
Tim Grahl

PS: If you’re completely lost about how online marketing works – and don’t want to waste time trying to figure all this stuff out – Author Platform 101 is perfect for you. Just imagine watching your subscribers, social media followers and book sales grow right from the moment you start implementing a few easy-to-follow techniques.
Introducing: Author Platform 101
The only proven step-by-step guide based on 10+ years of experience that has helped over 1000 authors build a successful author platform.
The program spans more than 8 hours, diced up into easy-to-consume lessons that you can squeeze in while taking a break from writing.
And it’s enabled the sale of hundreds of thousands of copies of books in every genre, both fiction and nonfiction…
Here’s how it’s going to work.
In 5 chapters, you’ll get the step-by-step lessons you’ll need to build and grow your platform. I’ll walk you through every part of the process. In fact, you’ll learn everything I would do if you hired me to do this work for you. (My client roster is full, but I used to charge $500+ per hour.)
You’ll discover precise and fluff-free strategies, tools and systems that will help you:
- Establish your fan base — even if you don’t have one already
- Connect with your fans easily and regularly to build a group of dedicated followers
- Continually grow your fan base and avoid the ever-looming revenue cliff of death
- Reliably sell more books month after month, and year after year
Here’s what we’ll cover in more than 40 bite-sized video sessions:
Author Platform 101 2.0
Learn how to build an author platform that reliably and predictably sells your books.
Author Platform 101 Isn’t For Everyone…
I write fiction. Will this work for me?
I’ve worked with a lot of fiction writers, and I can assure you that building an author platform is just as important for you as it is for nonfiction writers.
Imagine if you were directly connected to thousands of your readers, and you knew they were excited about reading your next book, even before you’d penned the first word. That’s what this program can do for you.
I’ve already read your book, should I buy the program too?
My book is the 101 program. This program is the 201 and 301 program.
In each level, I dive deeper into all of the topics, include a lot more examples, and offer worksheets, spreadsheets and homework to help you implement all of the ideas.
I’m not very technical. Will I be able to do everything you teach?
I’ve worked very hard to simplify all of the ideas and offer specific tools on how to build a great platform.
The amazing thing about this day and age is that there are so many easy-to-use digital and online tools, with great support to get everything set up.
Throughout the program, I offer advice on what tools to use and how to use them. You may not implement every single tool, but the vast majority of the technology I recommend is very user-friendly.
Can I get my money back if I’m not happy?
Yes, of course! If you buy the program and it’s not a good fit, just let me know within 30 days, and I’ll give you a full refund.
The only thing I’ll ask is that when you request the refund, you let me know a couple specifics as to why the program wasn’t a good fit for you – I’m always looking to improve the program.
I have a more specific question. Can you answer it?
I sure can. Just email me directly at [email protected] or or click that little “snap chat” button in the lower right-hand corner, and ask away!
And through the whole program you’ll get regular email check-ins from me to make sure you’re moving in the right direction.