40 – Innovative Marketing Ideas

On today’s show Tim and Valerie discuss what the next step would be once you have built up an email list, following on from discussions in previous episodes. While building a list is important, maintaining it and the audience’s interest is equally as significant. This means that finding the right entry point into capturing their attention is a very important step. Valerie shares one of her email list experiences, where the cross-subscription experience was not successful and how this led her to the unconventional approach she now takes to update her audience and bring them into her life. She hopes that this technique can spark a connection between her and her audience and that it’s something not only for them to enjoy, but also for her to enjoy doing, making it easier for her to maintain. To find out whether Tim agrees with her approach and much more, join us today!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • What Tim’s book is about.
  • Valerie shares one of her email list stories.
  • Figuring out what your audience wants is difficult. 
  • The innovative way Valerie lets her audience live vicariously through her.
  • Finding the balance between a story and an update is important.
  • Making the marketing strategy something enjoyable means you’re more likely to stick with it.
  • How to craft subject lines for emails.
  • What an A/B subject line test is.
  • Whether email subject lines are important or not.
  • Dedicating the correct amount task is important.
  • What the next podcast will be about.
  • And much more!

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Tim Grahl — https://booklaunch.com/

Tim on Twitter — https://twitter.com/timgrahl

Valerie Francis — https://valeriefrancis.ca/

Valerie on Twitter — https://twitter.com/valerie_francis

The Story Grid Editor Roundtable Podcast — https://valeriefrancis.ca/podcast/

Running Down a Dream — https://www.amazon.com/Running-Down-Dream-Winning-Creative/dp/1936891557

Book marketing help http://www.booklaunch.com/coaching

Marketing resources https://booklaunch.com/resources

[0:00:00.7] TG: Hello and welcome to The Book Launch Show. I am Tim Grahl. This week, Valerie and I dive into what she should actually be sending out to people that are on her email list. This is a common question that I get which is okay Tim, you constantly talk about email list and building email list, the most important thing you can do is build an email list, all that kind of stuff. But once they’re on my email list, what do I actually send out to them?

It’s a really good conversation and I think the most important thing about this conversation is finding that line between, well, for Valerie, it’s between taking my advice and not taking my advice. Because there’s times where I’m teaching something and it’s based on tried and true marketing principles. But that is just, it’s almost like a box and then anything you do in that box is completely free and there’s ways that I would do it and there’s ways that she would do it and she needs to find her own way of doing it.

I think it’s a really good conversation because it’s the first time when she doesn’t really agree with me and kind of pushes back on me and I think it was a good decision on her part. Again, there’s always these things where people argue with me or they say I’m wrong about certain things. I’m like “no, I’m pretty sure this is right.” And then there’s times when yeah, maybe I’m wrong. It’s always hard to know especially when you’re listening to somebody or in my case as you know, the quote expert on this of like not always assuming that especially when we get into gray areas that I know what somebody should do. Really good conversation, I think you’ll get a lot out of it.

I also want to mention a couple of things. First of all, if you are needing some book marketing help, some book coaching help, we have some really great book coaches that you can reach out to, you can go to booklaunch.com/coaching and you can browse through there and we have some really great people there, I don’t make any money off of you hiring them, so you will just directly work with them. But they’ve gone through a lot of training to get here. I’ve directly trained them and this is really for me, I can only work with so many people and I get too many requests.

This is a way for, if you want some help, and you have some input on your marketing or your launch or building your platform, they are there to support you and help you in that. Highly recommend you check that out. Want to mention that we have a lot of great resources at booklaunch.com as well. If you go to booklaunch.com/resources, there’s all kinds of things there, there’s trainings you can take, there’s articles. Of course, there’s this podcast and so if you’re listening to this but you haven’t really delved into the resources at booklaunch.com, highly recommend you take a look at that. Without any further ado, let’s go ahead and jump in to this episode.

This podcast is all about marketing, launching your book. But if you’re an author and you have a book, book coming out, book already out, you’re doing something special, you’re doing something that most people are afraid to do in my opinion. They’re actually going after that thing that they want. Everybody says they want to write a book; you’ve actually done it, you’re actually doing it. What that means is that you have a dream that you’re trying to accomplish.

You have this idea, the kind of writer you want to be, the kind of life you want to live, the kind of artist you want to be. I wrote my book Running Down a Dream: Your Roadmap to Winning Creative Battles for People Just Like You.

Based on my last decade of overcoming my creative battles of being stuck in the mud, stuck feeling like I’m always going to be a failure, stuff feeling like this thing that I want is stupid and never going to happen. I wrote this book to share the true journey of what this looks like, a lot of self-help books, a lot of books about creativity, they kind of share, what was really hard and then look at all the awesome stuff I learned?

This book is different; it will walk you through what I think the real story of running down a dream really looks like. I put everything in there and on top of that, I put the tools I learned along the way. If you know anything about me and my work, you know I can’t help but be practical.

I took that story off running down my dream, of chasing what I wanted in life, of overcoming creative battles and I broke it down into really practical tools that you can apply to overcome your own creative demons. Running down the dream is out now to Amazon and all the other different places that you can buy books.

It’s available, audio book, ebook and paperback. Check it out, buy a copy, share it with a friend and it’s a great way to support this show, thanks.


[0:05:02.0] ANNOUNCER: Welcome to the Book Launch Podcast, helping authors launch and market their books.


[0:05:15.5] VF: Hey Tim, how are you?

[0:05:17.2] TG: I’m good, how are you?

[0:05:18.2] VF: I’m good. It’s been a very busy week.

[0:05:21.5] TG: Like good busy or bad busy?

[0:05:23.3] VF: Good busy. Well, being busy, I’m a Virgo, for me being busy is all is good. Last week, I had a couple of things to do for homework. I had to get my 301-redirect straightened out and that is done. It was just a little easy mistake that I had made that’s not fixed. Everything on the website for Robin St. Croix, that was there, now redirects to Valerie Francis. That’s good.

I also added a popup to Valerie Francis to the home page and also to the page on my site for the book club to encourage people to sign up to the book club and that kind of stuff. That’s done. It’s a very pretty popup too. I’m very pleased with it.

[0:06:07.4] TG: Did you use Sumo for that?

[0:06:09.6] VF: No, I didn’t because my website template had the ability to create popups. I just use that.

[0:06:18.2] TG: Cool. Yeah, I just got it here, I’m looking at it. Looks good.

[0:06:22.1] VF: Nice, huh? Doesn’t take much to make me happy, it really doesn’t. I just did it on the home page and the love stories one and the actual book club one. Because those are the people who will be interested in more books by, for and about women. All right?

[0:06:37.2] TG: Okay, that sounds good.

[0:06:38.9] VF: I also went and looked at my email list because I’m with AWeber and I have a bunch of lists back there that I kind of created as I went along, sort of trying this strategy or that strategy. There was one list in there that I had created when I did a cross promotion, that got me a lot of emails but when I looked at it, a lot of the people on that list had never opened anything from me since they got that free download email.

I cleaned up that particular list, so that I had a better idea of who was really engaging with me, like who the really engaging with me and like who the real fans and followers were from that list, rather than having a bloated list. Because I’m not interested in bragging about the number of subscribers I have if I have a .5% open rate or some craziness.

Also, where we’re starting to put these things into place now, I wanted to have more of an accurate idea of where my start point was. So as of today, I have 673 subscribers. And of that promo list which started out at 1,500 people, there’s like 200 who actually have been opening emails form me. It was mostly people who had voluntarily unsubscribed or probably used like a spare email address they have or something like that.

I consider that cross promotion a total failure. I can understand why.

[0:08:11.5] TG: What was the cross promotion? Yeah, tell me why.

[0:08:13.9] VF: It was a group of romance writers who were doing a 12 days of Christmas giveaway. It was me and 11 other romance writers, this is when I thought I was writing a romance who each would give a book away. Now, I didn’t know the other 11 people, your name was just in a pool and the picked you at random. I would for 12 days, leading up to and during the Christmas season, I would send my list an email and they could download a free book.

When my time came, all the other 11 people shared the first part of Masquerade for me. Yeah, I got 1,500 people, just like that on my list. Of that 1,500 people, not even everybody downloaded the book, although about 900 did. But out of 1,500 people, I would have expected more to actually download the book that they signed up for.

I watched it in the first couple of months after that, whenever I would send out an email, I would get a huge unsubscribe rate from that particular list. People were just grabbing the free book and my guess is most people never even read it because – I’m guilty of this myself, just loading up your kindle with a bunch of free stuff, that you may or may never read.

[0:09:27.1] TG: Michael Bunker, an author I used to work with, he called that kindle stuffing.

[0:09:31.6] VF: Yeah, totally. That was a list that was just kind of there and I thought it was kind of time for me to really have a look at who of that list are really interested. If they haven’t opened anything from me in two years, they’re not interested.

[0:09:50.3] TG: They’re probably not interested.

[0:09:53.5] VF: I’m starting with 673 people.

[0:09:56.3] TG: How many of that 1,500 did you end up keeping?

[0:10:00.1] VF: About 200? The majority of my subscriber lists are people who pretty much have come organically. I figured, okay, if this is March 14th, we’ll look at this in six months and see where we are then, right? Because I’ve got a baseline. I sort of started to go down this rabbit hole of statistics and my brain is going to break if we do that today because it’s too close to math.

Let’s just park that one and maybe if we have time at the end, we’ll talk about it or it could be its whole other episode. Basically, I’m starting with 673 people and we’re going to go from there. My homework this week was to come up with my author updates mail out. I found this challenging, it took me a long time to get it to wrap my head around it. I had a couple of ideas and I start working through a few of the ideas and I think I have come up with something that will work.

I did do my little, you know, that exercise that I sent you for that book club, that four-page thing? I did do one of those, but I didn’t send it to you. I figured it would probably be just as well if I gave you the highlights. All right, the first of the month, I’ll have my book club, the 15th of the month, I’ll have my author update.

I had to think to myself. Who am I talking to here? That’s my personas that I created a couple of weeks ago. Then I asked myself, I thought about the Venn diagram and I thought, “where do my needs meet their wants? Who are they, what do they want, who am I in this context and what do I need??

I need to build relationships with my readers. I need to let them know what’s going on with me and I need to generate interest in what I’m writing, so that when I have something else to buy, they’ll be interested in checking it out. That was the easy part.

The more challenging part was to think about okay, what do they want? I think if I think back to the types of conversations I’ve had with people, what they say to me a lot is, “oh, I wish I had your life or your life is so exciting, I would really love to do what you’re doing.”

Now, they don’t really mean that because you know, I’m a single mom running her own business. They really don’t want that. What they want is what they imagine my life to be. Which is you know, because being a writer has sort of this mystique about it and what they want is to sort of escape their own reality to experience this romantic life they imagine me to have.

It’s escape. It’s entertainment. It’s just a little mental vacation for a few minutes. To relax from the pressures that they have in their own lives, that’s I think what they are really talking about.  Thinking about that, my solution is, to provide my author update in the form of a story or a column.

Rather than try to overtly debunk the idea that being a writer is somehow magical or mystical, I’ll just give them a glimpse into my writer life, to kind of feed that daydream rather than say “no, you don’t understand how hard it is!” Because nobody wants to hear that. I mean, come on.

But to do it in a way that sort of makes them curious and gives them a little bit of entertainment, right? Present the information in a way that’s more interesting than a laundry list of here’s everything I’ve been working on in the last month.

I’m calling it A Writer’s Life and the tag line would be peak behind the curtain. It will be in the form of a short story that’s at the most, 500 words, I did a sample for you and it’s I think 416 words, it took me a minute and three seconds to read if I went slowly. That’s not bad.

It gives the reader, the people on my subscriber list an opportunity to live vicariously through me, but risk free. Because, the people who are saying this to me are people who are in – you know, the people that I know, they’re in stable jobs with a steady paycheck and a pension and all that kind of stuff, they don’t really want to give that up for the income of an author which is quite risky.

Being a writer as you know and as you know, anyone listening to this podcast knows, it’s not necessarily reliable, you got to step out and take some chances. They get to live vicariously through me, which is what we do when we’re reading stories, we live vicariously through our protagonist and we get to go through their adventures in a risk free way.

A little short story will let them be entertained and they can escape for it literally a minute. It also gives them a chance to sample my writing which I think is really important here because that’s eventually what I’m going to be asking them to buy, right? It also allows me to still reference the stuff that I’m doing without listing it in a laundry list.

But I can talk about like in the sample I sent you, in the very first line I talk about the fact that I was working toward a deadline on a fundamental Friday’s post. Well, that reference can actually be a link to the post that I was working on.

[0:15:18.3] TG: Right.

[0:15:18.6] VF: You know what I mean?

[0:15:19.6] TG: Yeah.

[0:15:21.6] VF: What do you think of that idea?

[0:15:22.8] TG: I’m struggling to have an opinion.

[0:15:25.6] VF: I don’t know if that’s good or bad.

[0:15:27.5] TG: Yeah, I don’t know either. At first, the one thing I kind of was like well, I don’t know, was when you were saying it gives you a peak into the writer’s life, which I guess is what you’re doing with the author update. I just want to make sure it stays kind of focused on here’s what I’m working on, which is what you do and here’s how you can get more of what I’m currently working on.

I would, once you do those podcast episodes that you’ve got coming up. You know, making sure that those links make it into your story.

[0:16:06.7] VF: Right. When they come out, this is the 14th as we record, this would go out tomorrow. By the time next month comes, at least one of those podcasts will have aired. I thought I could make my whole column about that podcast.

[0:16:25.8] TG: Yeah, okay.

[0:16:26.7] VF: Does that make sense?

[0:16:27.9] TG: Yeah, that makes sense. My thing was like, as long as the point of the email doesn’t get buried in writing a story.

[0:16:37.5] VF: No, I’m presenting it as a story, using the five commandments and all that good stuff. Because if I can’t whip those little puppies out by now, god help me. So that it’s more interesting. Because I can do a bullet point list of what I’m working on, but that’s not very entertaining.

If I receive that a someone who subscribed to another writer’s mailing list, I don’t usually click on them to be honest, unless it’s a friend of mine and I’m curious or Neil Gaiman, I’m really curious, everyone in the middle, I’m like yeah, okay, moving on. I wanted something that would kind of capture them. Capture their attention and I really had to keep those personas in the forefront of my mind.

What are those people going to be interested in reading? What is going to get them to actually open this email? Why do they care? Certainly, at this stage in the game and I thought, if I presented it as a story, one where they can relate and they can sort of put their selves in my shoes.

You know, this stuff is supposed to be personal, right? These emails are supposed to be personal, instead of like a corporate speak. They have to be relevant to what we’re talking about here. They have to be specific to an issue or a point of interest and anticipate it. That’s tricky unless you already have a really solid fan base. So, I have a base, but I’m still at the beginning. So I thought how can I get them to get a feel for who I am and I picked this particular topic this month because I thought about, I actually told the story when we were in Nashville and no, I had not had any wine to drink at this point, but this was coming out of my mouth and I just kept going and everyone at the table laughed.

So then okay, I got a laugh out of it so it is a funny story. It is humiliating, but it is a funny story and then I thought back to a time when I was in my old day job and I was giving this big presentation to all of the big muckety-mucks of, I worked with the Federal Government. So, it was all the Federal Department heads for the region including the head of the military for the region; running around that morning quickly trying to get the kids ready for school.

And I was aware that was really cold but I didn’t have time to focus on it and just before I went out the door I said, “I need to put a sweater on because if I am this cold now at home I’ll be blue trying to give this presentation” and so I took off my coat to go back upstairs to my room to put on a heavier sweater when I realized I actually didn’t have a shirt on I just had my camisole. So, I very closely, very nearly went to work with just a camisole and I nearly died.

So, I was telling my girlfriends this later, you know when we got together that weekend and of course they laughed, but then they all said, “you know what? I have something, an experience that is really close to that,” because they are also rushing around and I thought, “Okay, so maybe this story is something that my personas could relate to.”

[0:19:51.6] TG: Yeah, no you’re right. The more you’ve talked about it, the more – it’s just so different than what I’ve done before that I had to like take a minute to make sure it was hitting all the buttons, but I think you’re right. I mean especially I come back to if you are going to enjoy doing this, which means you’re more likely to do it and it is hitting all the marketing buttons then you should absolutely do it.

[0:20:15.8] VF: If I was doing this as Valerie Francis the Story Grid editor, this particular update email would be a lot easier. I think I could get away with bullet points a lot easier because I am talking about really practical tools and tactics that help writers write their novels. But here, I’ve got my author hat on. So, what I’m trying to get them to do is engage with me as a storyteller. So, I thought maybe telling them stories would be a good way of doing that.

But hidden in there are links too, the Fundamental Fridays post that I have to do, the two podcasts that I am on, there is an opportunity to link to my editing page or the Story Grid editing page and my own editing page because some of the people on my list are writers and they may not have checked that out yet. You know the whole reason this situation fell apart on me is because I was under deadline. I started work at 5:30 in the morning.

At 2:30 I was still up my desk; I still hadn’t gotten up and gotten dressed yet for the day. So, this is what happens when you are a writer. You sit there and you make that deadline because that is what we do. It is a very deadline heavy business.

[0:21:30.9] TG: Yeah, no I like it. I think it’s good so I feel like go with it and see how it goes and see how it feels and do the same thing we talked about of like, “okay I am going to do this for six months,” and see what comes out of it.

[0:21:45.4] VF: I was expecting you to push back more than that. All right, good just keep going.

[0:21:51.1] TG: No, I mean you know, the balance for me is – so one is we talked a lot about order and chaos, right? And I have been thinking about this a lot since we did the Story rid training and how the more the ideas get out into the world and other people take them and turn them into their own, the more things go places that we could never come up with on our own and so in this kind of stuff I feel like it is the same way of like, “okay, you know as long as it is hitting the marks that I want to hit or I needed to hit as a marketing person.” It’s talking to the right people. It is letting people know what you’ve been working on.

As long as it is hitting those kind of to-dos then really it shouldn’t matter. And then at that point, unbalancing in my mind of like okay, as you talk about you know I think it is really important that we don’t undervalue how much enjoyment you get out of it because the more you enjoy doing something the more likely you are to keep doing it and even if it is and I don’t think it is, but let’s say you are 50% more likely.

I am just making up a number, you are 50% more likely to actually write and send this email every month than if it was exactly what I told you to do, then it is worth it even on the grounds of like it is better than not doing it. I mean I do this on my own life all the time where it’s like I’ll be talking to somebody and they’re like, “ell what you need to do is da-da-da-da.” I mean that sounds really good. I will never actually do that.

So, can we come up with a version of a thing that involves you know, like a simple one would be well every week it would probably be really nice if I wrote a really strongly worded, really thought through tweet about the latest podcast episode. And it’s like that would probably be great, never going to do it. So, we set it up so that the podcast just automatically gets posted on Twitter every time a new one goes live. So, with this, I am looking at it as, well if you enjoy this and it is hitting all the marks that it needs to hit then who I am to say that you should do it any different?

So that is why as you talked about it and as I thought through what it was doing, I decided like well there is no reason for me to push on. The only reason I can come up with to push back on it would be to say, “well that is not how I would do it,” which is not good enough.

[0:24:34.4] VF: Okay, so then like for example next month I can have a 500 word story about my experience on the podcast that came out and then I can link to that podcast. And then when I am having a particular challenge writing my novels when I write myself into a corner as I want to do, that can be the subject of the post. So, I am giving them a glimpse into I am letting them know that I am writing this book. I am giving them the idea as to what’s – that I am struggling with it.

I am basically whetting their appetite for this thriller that I am working on or because that is what I happen to be working on right now or the next love story that I am working on or whatever it is. So when it comes out, they already know what I am talking about.

[0:25:25.0] TG: No, I think it’s good. I think you should run with it. And again, this is just another experiment.

[0:25:32.3] VF: Right, totally.

[0:25:33.6] TG: Yeah, so it’s like okay it is hitting all the marks we think we need to hit, so let’s do it and see how it goes.

[0:25:39.7] VF: See what happens. All right, so this will go to everyone on my mailing list, but now with my book club, I am sending it to everyone in my mailing list, but I am also putting it on my website. And my instincts said that the same would be true for A Writer’s Life like this column that I am doing. I would create a blog style, so that when this goes out, I can use it as outreach as well. So, it automatically posts to Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and all that kind of stuff.

If people happen to find it there, they can click on it and go to my website and read it there and sign up to get more just like my book club. So, I will do that. That leads me to another question that might be a bit of a rabbit hole for today I am sure. So, this is two pieces of content that are both public and they go to my subscriber list. So, I am thinking that at some point I need to create content that is exclusive to my mailing list for the insiders because in order to have insiders you have to have outsiders.

So, I have a couple of ideas, but they are all half-baked at the moment and I don’t think I am ready for them anyway because I am still at the stage of getting all the foundational pieces of my marketing plan into place, would you agree?

[0:26:59.0] TG: Sure.

[0:27:00.1] VF: So, for now, I’ve got my mail house on the first and the 15th. It will go to my mailing list but it will also go on my website, groovy?

[0:27:09.9] TG: Yeah, I like that. Yeah that works for me.

[0:27:12.2] VF: Okay, so the other thing I need help with is my email subject lines. I really stink at those. How do you craft lines that are click bait-y? Do I just have for the book club for instance, the subject line would be “Book Club: Liane Moriarty” I don’t know, which is really boring, right?

[0:27:34.7] TG: Yeah, so okay subject lines of emails are – so now you are getting into very copywriter space, which is its own kind of animal. Any kind of marketing writing is I mean people’s entire jobs are doing online and email copy. So, what I normally recommend to an author or to anybody is to just Google like how to write great subject lines or how to write email marketing subject lines and just spend the half hour reading because I just Googled something and I found 19 tips.

101 best email subject lines, nine best email subject lines. You can even do – let’s see, email marketing subject line templates, 15 subject line examples, six email subject line templates that will get your emails opened. The thing to remember is that like I run A/B test on subject lines, which means it splits how ConvertKit does it is it takes 30% of your email list, it sends half of them one open rate and the other half another open rate or another subject line.

So half, so 15% one subject line, 15% another subject line, after four hours it sends the other 70% to the winning subject line and the difference is usually about 1%. So, it isn’t like this thing that gets you enormous differences like I am actually looking through my emails I have done this on. The highest I have seen so far is a 2% difference. Here is one that is like 0.7% difference. So, when you are talking about a 1% difference on your list that means the subject line difference of a really good subject line and a slightly worse subject line is six to eight people opening it.

So, the thing here is don’t over think it. I am looking at one that had a 0.1% difference. So, what I like to do is if you could Google around and find, there are websites that have email subject line templates and they’ll say things like, “x ways to do blank.” So, ten ways to do pushups in the morning or whatever and they’ll have 15 different ones and if you just have those, print them out and leave them on your desk and every time you got to write a subject line think about what the email is about, go through until you find a template that works for it, just write the email subject line using that template and put it in and you use it.

And don’t worry too much about it because even when you really worry about it, it is usually not a huge – you know this is one of those things that is not as kind of a name, but you’ll read entire articles about how to pick the right colored button for your sales page. Now when you are pushing 500,000 people to a sales page and if you can increase the number of conversions by 0.5% that is legitimate money, you know?

But when you are pushing 600 people to something and you increase it by 0.5% that’s three people. So, at your level it is not – even in my level it is not usually worth too much of a hassle overthinking this stuff. Your book club, I like the idea of you know, I sometimes put stuff in brackets. It is like [book club] and then this month’s book is or whatever.

Using something like Liane Moriarty’s name would be good. But really just go with your gut. So, here is the thing is you have to train your gut a little bit. So, my opinion of what intuition is, is knowing something so well that your subconscious makes a decision. The reason why people, like I was talking to a guy one time who is talking about he is in charge for all the branding for this bigger company and he’s like, “I have to be on every photo shoot because it is my intuition that really knows what we need.”

And I am like, “well you could train somebody that.” He’s like, “no, it’s just me.” I’m like, “no, I really think it’s just you had done so much of it that you know it when you see it, but that is still a learned skill” And so what I think is, is if you spent half hour, an hour reading some of those articles, really looking at what they recommend, it will start getting in your head of how good ones are crafted and then if you just had kind of a go-to set of templates that will help you make that decision, right?

Because all you need is something that is not bad, right? We are not trying to get a perfect email subject line because one, it doesn’t exist and two, your list isn’t big enough for it to matter. You just need something that is not bad.

[0:33:12.1] VF: Okay, I think I can come up with that. I hope I can.

[0:33:18.3] TG: Yeah, I mean really, I know that sounds bad, but if you spend a lot of time becoming an expert email subject line writer you are spending too much time. There is so many other things you should spend time getting good at.

[0:33:34.6] VF: Like writing more books.

[0:33:36.7] TG: Writing more books, getting more email subscribers, you know getting ready for next month’s book club. There are so many more important things. So, I really think that if you just do a little bit of reading on it so you can get some of it in your head and then have a set of templates sitting there that will help you make it; you just need something that helps you make a decision. Again, you need to be able to quickly make a decision on the subject line that isn’t bad, that’s it. All right so what’s next for you?

[0:34:03.6] VF: The next thing that I need to do once these are set up and done, I have to revisit my back-cover blurbs because Masquerade as I said is a book in 12 parts. And when I wrote it, I was so busy just trying to get the five commandments working in it, that my brain just couldn’t worry about the back-cover blurbs. It didn’t even occur to me to be honest; I have a paragraph that describes the series, what the series is about but then when I went to upload them, I realized, “oh I just have one description for the whole series. I don’t have a back-cover blurb for each of the episodes within the whole series.” so I really need to do that. So that’s what I need your help with next week.

[0:34:48.1] TG: Okay, we’ll dive into that next week.

[0:34:50.7] VF: Groovy, okay thank you so much Tim.

[0:34:53.3] TG: Thanks Valerie.


[0:34:54.3] TG: Thanks for listening to this episode of the Book Launch Show. For all the past episodes, the show notes, or to connect with me, you can go to booklaunchshow.com. I have dozens of free book marketing resources and articles that you can access at my website booklaunch.com. Lastly, if you like to support the show, you can do that by telling another author about the show and by visiting us on Apple Podcast and leaving a rating and review.

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